On Friday, The News Journal reports that yet another GOP member has said “no” to the run for the governor’s seat. State Rep. Donna Stone let the GOP know that she won’t do it this time. Vance Phillips still sounds confident that they will find someone to run, dismissing the two candidates that are already wanting their party’s blessing, Mike Protack and Dave Graham.

Michael at Monoblogue has, in satire, suggested that Salisbury News blogger and Delaware resident Joe Albero should run for governor. It would make the race all the more fun!

Howard at Delmar Dustpan has affirmed that I should step up and grab the governor’s chair. He’d like to fill the Lt. Governor seat:

I can’t imagine a more posh job for an old lazy man with no ambition.


Remember, a vote for me is not a vote for Mike Protack.

(The previous post is here)

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