I get a newsletter that gives you a unique word each day. The words they discuss this week cover lesser-known counterparts of common words. Every one of these words were fascinating.

Instead of postponing that event, why not prepone? To prepone is to reschedule an event to an earlier time.

Most people would like to find a utopia, but no one would want to find dystopia, a place where everything is bad.

We don’t exhume bodies as often as we inhume them. Inhume means “to bury.”

A placebo is a “pharmacologically inert preparation prescribed more for the mental relief of the patient than for its actual effect on a disorder” (Miriam-Webster). A nocebo is “a substance producing harmful effects in someone because it is believed to be harmful, but which in reality is harmless.”

2 thoughts on “The Other Side of Some Words

  1. Hey Elbert, care to share a link to that newsletter? Sounds cool. Thanks.

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